What is Robotic Process Automation?

How software tools can help us on repetitive and complex tasks? This is where RPA applicable! On this article, the term of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) alongside of its benefits and limitations would be explained

Robotic process automation (RPA) is about software tools which make human activities automatically. These activities are rule based and repetitive which transforming to automat brings many advantages for their users.

Replicating is very important on RPA and this is why software take key role in it. Some examples of this process that are handled by software every day are like respond to customer queries in offline or online (e.g. chat bots), data entry, reporting transactions, and so on.

Indeed, robotic process automation are not an alternative for replacing the business applications but they can simply provide more added value for their users.

Unlike Hollywood movies, RPA is using frequently by us. They can easily installed on any digital devices like your laptop or PC. They doesn’t act like replacement of your software but they work alongside your using software to provide better outcome.

Indeed, the RPA‘ story is all about „Bots“ which are not physical robots but as automated software which run based on specific scripts.

They can investigate how humans complete their tasks and then learn the pattern and optimize these activities through related technologies like machine learning.

Once a bot can understand the process of a specific activity through RPA, it could be copies over unlimited times as scale of any company size. This process is called as „cloning“.

Hence, we can argue that RPA could offer learnable bots that improve and optimize their functionality over time.  

With all of these, one thing should be noted that RPA objective is automating tasks that are tough, difficult and expensive for humans to do.

However, there are some limitations for RPA and on what it can really do. As it was explained, RPA required very detailed scripts to perform those repetitive tasks. To do this, we need some experts and time consuming effort to investigate how the steps of that work could be done manually to mapping out all of these required steps with anticipating specific results for all probation.

Moreover, data sources and also destinations should be keep stable, structured and unchanging which is very difficult in most of projects. The reason is RPA is just deigned for actions without any errors, exceptions or human interactions.

But even with such a limitations, RPA could provide many benefits. Very briefly the advantages of robotic process automation are:

  • Decreasing the error during humanity repetitive activities,
  • Providing more added value by offering higher value services,
  • Increasing the reliability through delivering correct and complete tasks
  • Accomplishing the tasks and completing them more quickly

By implementing RPA in a company, most of works, tasks, projects and the way of processing them would be changed.

The good news is there is nothing to fear because RPA doesn’t replace us or capture our jobs. They provide better results as they act as virtual assistants, chat bots or other types of automation which complete our complicated tasks and let us have more time to focus on our rest of working strategies. The RPA increase employee engagement and provide accurate outcomes and without errors for our clients.

Our great experience in RPA enables us to provide better solutions for your company. If you are thinking about making automate your complicated tasks in your company then just call us! We at AO-ITC are ready to share our best solutions to you.

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